Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How Neil Doesn't Exist

Isn't it fun to type people's names into Google and see what comes up? I decided to see what comes up for Neil. I typed his name in quotes to make sure I got him and only him.

Google Search: "Neil ****" (you know his last name if you know him)

Results: Your search - "neil ****" - did not match any documents.

That's right. According to Google, Neil doesn't exist!

Yahoo search finds some links for Neil. In fact, I found this nice picture of him. But still, if you don't exist in Google, you don't really exist.


  • At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Neil exists in the hearts of every young boy and girl who believes. I believe, Neil!

  • At 3:22 AM, Blogger shoshanamom said…

    cool. its fun to google your name isn't it?? we also tried just googling our last name only (married name not my maiden name) and it was fun seeing what came up. found an old old relative from the 1800s in the phillipines who was arrested for something (forget what- maybe having opium).


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