Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How Neil Shouldn't Experiment with New Looks

Neil decided to try out a new look during the Shenandoah Shindig...

You probably think that I am going to say that Neil looks pretty gay with his new dew-rag-around-the-neck look. Folks, to say that Neil looked gay would be a complete insult to the homosexual community. No gay person I know would be caught dead in that outfit. I give Neil credit for trying. I take that credit away for trying something that ridiculous.

Still, I think it worked for him. People noticed him. "Who's that goofball with the outlandish neckercheif?” Nah, just kidding, nobody said that…out loud. Actually, one woman sent me an email later saying that she thought Neil “looked quite sexy” in that outfit.

On a side note, take notice that Neil is eating one of his favorite snacks, rice crispy treats.



  • At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where can we get one like that. We like the new look, and think that it fits his new agressive persona. Like Neil said "That was the old neil; No MORE! Chicks dig me, 24 hours a day - Nights too!" For now on, the women wait in line for him.

  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Miss Jumper said…

    Dang, dat man is a snazzy dresser. Too bad I don't believe in interspecies dating, or I'd be all over dat neckerchief dandy!


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