Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

How Neil Makes Up Words

Guess which of the following Neil has used when IM'ing me (see 1st comment for answer)...

Neil (AOL): Existentially, we are prone to construct concrete visualizations of prophecy.
Neil (AOL): then there are excelirators
Neil (AOL): I did not know that Sara Lee made braws
Brian: what the hell is a braw?
Neil (AOL): sorry
Neil (AOL): Brazire
Brian: too bad they don't sell what I want
Neil (AOL): well, i love coscto
Brian: i know you do
Neil (AOL): i think your looking for falicies
Brian: i walked around looking for great deals, I didn't really find any
Neil (AOL): your negative
Neil (AOL): there are real devil warship sites that came up when i searched
Brian: worship
Brian: warship is a big boat with cannons
Neil (AOL): Don't I look pretty in that dress?


  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger BrianM said…

    All are real Neil-isms except the first and last ones.

  • At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    and ha.
    Damn dat Neil cracks my feline ass up, ya'll!

  • At 2:09 PM, Blogger Miss Jumper said…

    How come my blog takes so long to post? Do you see the new one? I'm cranky!
    Happy New Year, youz guyz (especially Neil).


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