Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Saturday, September 10, 2005

How Neil is a Good Sport

Last weekend (at the MOCA shindig), a bunch of Neil's friends were sitting around discussing stories from the past. "Remember when Neil said ... when we were at the amusement park?" "Remember when we were white-water rafting and Neil did ..."

Then, it occured to me. Neil HATES amusement parks (well, rollercoasters mostly). Neil also HATES white-water rafting. And yet, he has been on many trips to these places with his friends. Isn't he a good sport?

JayL was supposed to post the story about our last trip to King's Dominion (awesome amusement park) with Neil. Since he hasn't done so... here it goes...

We coerced Neil to go on a roller-coaster called Ricochet. This is not a tough roller coaster. In fact, a cute little 5-year old girl was jumping up and down in excitement waiting in line in front of us. This ride is not listed as a Thrill Ride by the park, but rather as a Family Ride. Neil was terrified. We had him drink a beer before getting in line, but that didn't seem to relax him at all.

Well, he survived the ride, though he said he felt so scared. He had to show all of us his pasty-white tongue even though we pleaded with him to stop. Then, he gets a cell phone call from a friend. This is what we hear him say...

"Yeah, I'm having a pretty good time. Well, except for the rides... they all move."



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