Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

How Neil annoys me with his cell phone

Neil recently upgraded his cell phone to one of these all-in-one PDA/phone/gadget phones. His favorite thing about the phone is that he can store mp3 files and play them back or make ring-tones out of them. He is acting like a teenage girl with his obsession with customizing his ring tone. Any time we go out somewhere he exlaims "guess what I got?" and starts playing back the theme to some old TV show or something else equally as lame. He tells me that he brings out the phone and starts playing mp3's on dates to, er, impress the girl. I wonder why he doesn't get many second dates?

Ladies, post a comment on how you would feel if your date tried to impress you with his cell phone.


  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger Miss Jumper said…

    Dear nleve,
    Why on earth would you put a cat in a bag? You ARE a monster!


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