Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

How Neil is an expert at buffets

Neil is one of the best buffet eaters I've ever met. Here are some of the tidbits of advice he has given me over time...

  • Steer away from the salads and breads - you don't want to get filled up on the cheap stuff

  • When in Vegas or Atlantic City - pick a buffet where the young people eat. Old people are slow and will get in your way

  • Long line strategy - make sure to grab some food (Neil prefers rice crispy treats) on the way to the long line (for the steak, lobster, whatever) so you can eat while you wait



    • At 3:04 PM, Blogger Gail said…

      I can relate. Just recently tried Golden Corral and I found that little kids get underfoot as I'm trying to pile my plate too.So add,watch out for little tykes.

    • At 3:19 AM, Blogger shoshanamom said…

      OK...thanks Brian for giving me a really good laugh. I am going to check this blog frequently. LOL

      I have no idea who Neil is but it doesn't matter-- its very funny.

      I have no idea why being a blog subject would make him be perceived as being gay.

    • At 3:22 AM, Blogger shoshanamom said…

      where DO young people eat in AC, because as far as I know anyone with a clue won't be caught dead either in AC or at any buffet for that matter. LOL blech.

      (one of my pet peeves-- I can't stand buffets....)


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