How Neil Makes Up Words
Guess which of the following Neil has used when IM'ing me (see 1st comment for answer)...
Neil (AOL): Existentially, we are prone to construct concrete visualizations of prophecy.
Neil (AOL): then there are excelirators
Neil (AOL): I did not know that Sara Lee made braws
Brian: what the hell is a braw?
Neil (AOL): sorry
Neil (AOL): Brazire
Brian: too bad they don't sell what I want
Neil (AOL): well, i love coscto
Brian: i know you do
Neil (AOL): i think your looking for falicies
Brian: i walked around looking for great deals, I didn't really find any
Neil (AOL): your negative
Neil (AOL): there are real devil warship sites that came up when i searched
Brian: worship
Brian: warship is a big boat with cannons
Neil (AOL): Don't I look pretty in that dress?
Neil (AOL): Existentially, we are prone to construct concrete visualizations of prophecy.
Neil (AOL): then there are excelirators
Neil (AOL): I did not know that Sara Lee made braws
Brian: what the hell is a braw?
Neil (AOL): sorry
Neil (AOL): Brazire
Brian: too bad they don't sell what I want
Neil (AOL): well, i love coscto
Brian: i know you do
Neil (AOL): i think your looking for falicies
Brian: i walked around looking for great deals, I didn't really find any
Neil (AOL): your negative
Neil (AOL): there are real devil warship sites that came up when i searched
Brian: worship
Brian: warship is a big boat with cannons
Neil (AOL): Don't I look pretty in that dress?