Enough About Jesus, What Would Neil Do?

Testimonials - A tribute to all things Neil

Friday, October 28, 2005

How Neil Tried to Embarrass Me in a Bathroom

(from Suellen) Brian asked if I had any stories to add to his "Neilblog". There are just so many! Here's one of my favorites:

This happened at a camping trip a long time ago in South Florida. We were walking together to the "shared" bathroom. (Yes, one building,two stalls, both sexes.) We each headed to a stall, but kind of laughed awkwardly first. You see, I'm a girl and, yes, he's a boy,and we'd been friends for several years without ever going to the bathroom together. So this was a new experience for our friendship. We each started our "business". (Note that there was a bit of silence first. You wouldn't think it would be a big deal, but this was Neil, and you never know what might happen when you are with Neil.) Then I heard, in a sing-song voice, from the stall next to me (I think it was a sing-song voice, it was a very long time ago, but the words I remember clearly): I can hear you pee...


Monday, October 17, 2005

How Neil Drinks Wine

Neil drinks wine too fast. I mean seriously fast. I've never seen anybody chug wine like Neil does. I've asked him about it, and he claims that he is not capable of drinking it any slower.

Poor Neil.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How Neil Shouldn't Experiment with New Looks

Neil decided to try out a new look during the Shenandoah Shindig...

You probably think that I am going to say that Neil looks pretty gay with his new dew-rag-around-the-neck look. Folks, to say that Neil looked gay would be a complete insult to the homosexual community. No gay person I know would be caught dead in that outfit. I give Neil credit for trying. I take that credit away for trying something that ridiculous.

Still, I think it worked for him. People noticed him. "Who's that goofball with the outlandish neckercheif?” Nah, just kidding, nobody said that…out loud. Actually, one woman sent me an email later saying that she thought Neil “looked quite sexy” in that outfit.

On a side note, take notice that Neil is eating one of his favorite snacks, rice crispy treats.
